There has been no late-night knitting, just graphic design--such as it is. Since I've spent my time on it, I might as well show you. It's for my blogger friend Marly. She asked me to make her a button for her blog. I made a bunch. They're on my test site and tonight, I made a banner graphic. Here it are. Too bad the sheep's face is so small that you can't see the aghast look. Can sheep look aghast? Must sleep now.
I saw the buttons over on Marly's blog. They look great! That is so nice of you. And the banner is adorable, too! I love the idea of an agahst sheep. You're very talented.
I too think you are very talented! I LOVE the banner, now I have to figure out how to put it up there! I have an email to blogger asking them if they can give me some direction as to what I need to do and how large it should be. So, I guess once I get them to write me back I will be able to put it up...or not...who knows.
Anywho, I hope you know how much I totally love the buttons! I was talking to Jill and she and I have come to the conclusion that we are going to pay you in wooly dollars to do our banner as well for our new site...www.thepurseworkshop.com
Not right now, but very soon if you are up to it?!?
Totally love you Val! Chat with you soon!
OH...did you see that I am a "New and Notable" on iTunes? So cool seeing the new Album Art...it is PERFECT!
Great job! My sister is a graphic designer, unfortunately for me she's a very busy graphic designer...
Just wondering- what program did you use to create the graphics? I'm playing with and learnign to use Freehand and Fireworks, but I'm not quite there yet.
Well, anyway, happy knitting,
I've got to say it- the sheep looks sheepish! Can't. Stop. the pun.
Hey, wanted to let you know that I figured out how to add the new sheep button to the header of my blog! It looks GREAT!
Thanks again so much...you need to send me your address dear so I can send some good stuff!
I found you back!! Yes I will be at Gallery Walk on Friday, and at SCA at the Whittier Wednesday. See you soon!!
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