PeeWee is playing at her little friend's house and Leela (That's not her real name--that's what PeeWee calls her. I'm torn about the whole "using my kids' real names" issue. I think I'm going to go the Precious Nickname route. In fact, I think I'll make sure there are double E's in eeach namee. So we'll have Bebee, Joee, Tedee, Leela, and PeeWee. End of aside.) is off to kindergarten. My plans? I'm going to practice my mad housekeeping skills...in a minute. Firstly, though,
Way Too Many Pictures of My Spinning:

We started with 4 ounces of 21 micron merino top called
Darling, dyed by the fabulous Adrian of
Hello Yarn. I was in a bit of a hurry spinning it, because I'm an eager, impatient beginner, AND I was trying to get it done in time to knit a birthday scarf for my mother. She bought a new red coat this winter, and I know it's spring, but her birthday is in 1 week and I really want to make something for her. Back to Darling... So I didn't spin it as fine as it could, or possibly
should be spun, but it is luscious, bouncy, and soooooft. I tended to err on the side of looseness in spinning it and so it's very fluffy. It's probably a heavy worsted weight. I think my mommy will like it.

Must go scrub toilets. Then I'll get started on the scarf. Any suggestions for pattern? I considering linen stitch--I'll have to swatch and see. (Swatchency, isn't that just north of Trenton?)
Nice job. That yarn is very drool worthy. It'll be a great scarf.
Wow, that is some good stuff! Good job!
Toilets huh? Sounds like fun...me, I am going to do some laundry. Equally as much fun I must say :-)
Love the yarn. Knitty.com has some good scarf patterns.
I think Swatchency is near Washyerswatch, on the way to Gaugeville.
Lovely spinning!
That's gorgeous yarn! Someday I'll spin again...
Ooh, I adore that!! I am sure that your Mom will LOVE her sweater made with that yummy yarn!
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