That will teach me to walk away from the computer in the middle of typing a blog post. I typed those few silly sentences, not actually intending to leave them, and then had to jump up and take care of something (we had a Bodily Function Day yesterday). Sometime later that night, I noticed that the Blogger window had been closed, but I figured that one of my helpful children had just exited the program. I didn't think that he or she would be ambitious enough to publish before exiting. I have such nice children. ;)

Here's a picture, then, of the fantastic Schacht Matchless spinning wheel that arrived on Friday (the 13th--a very lucky day, if you ask me--right Beans?). And here is one of my helpful children. She likes to make it go roundy, roundy. I promptly spun some roving from
Wooly Wonka Fibers. It's Colombia/Merino cross wool in a color called "Rain". This wool is so crimpy and fuzzy. It didn't seem to want to be a spun terribly fine, so I went with it. I'm not used to thinking that I have multiple bobbins at my disposal and that I could spin half on one bobbin and then half on the other, then ply the two from the bobbins onto a
third bobbin. So I just spun the whole 2 ounces onto one bobbin. I may just let it sit for a while and then use it to learn Navajo plying.
Spinning Spider Jenny says that Navajo plying is easier if the twist in your single is set--either with time or steam. I'm the sort that is perfectly happy to let my single sit for a while. Besides I have three more bobbins! I'm going to spin some wool that my son gave me for my birthday next.
Well at least s/he clicked "publish" before closing the window. And just WHERE were you tonight?? It was just me, Monica, Margaret, and Cheryl. You had better show up next Friday!
Ooooh, pretty wheel...lovely fibers...
Happy Spinning!
If you buy ice cream in 5 quart buckets, eventually you'll have enough buckets. Just sayin' . . . . . .
I love my Schacht wheel . . . and my Wooly Wonka fiber!
Oooh!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!! We need to get together so I can see this lovely in person! :)
Oh I had a funny about "qualifying for the Vomit Olympics" that I TOTALLY lifted straight from The Vicar of Dibley and I forgot to say it! So I'm saying it now.
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